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[clinton/website/site/unknownlamer.org.git] / Metaobject Protocols.muse
1 In Fall of 2006 I did a small project on Metaobject Protocols for my
2 CS 331 class. Here lie my notes which may perhaps be useful to
3 others. I hope to expand them into something more useful over time.
5 * Background
7 ** Object Protocols
9 An object protocol is a set of methods and specification of the
10 interactions between the methods which provide some generic behavior
11 (e.g. of a sequence) that are then implemented by classes which
12 conform to the protocol (e.g. a vector or list). In most object
13 systems a class contains both the methods which implement a protocol
14 and the data used by the implementation. The intent is to emulate
15 state machines which pass messages between each other.
17 ** CLOS Way of OO
19 The Common Lisp Object System (CLOS) is different. It separates
20 the data and method concepts into classes and generics. A class
21 contains data fields only, and a generic has methods specialized for
22 certain types attached to it. This seems a bit weird at first, but is
23 significantly more powerful as it encourages complete encapsulation
24 through its use of classes primarily for method specialization rather
25 than for state storage.
28 *** Classes for scratch data and types
30 In CLOS classes store data in slots (which are the same as data
31 members). Encapsulation is not provided; any bit of code can use
32 =slot-value= to access or set the value of a slot. This may seem odd at
33 first, but encapsulation is of questionable importance as the slots
34 are meant only to be used by the protocol defined around the class.
36 Classes are defined with defclass
38 <src lang="lisp">
39 (defclass name (superclasses ...)
40 ((slot-name :accessor slot-accessor ...)
41 ...)
42 (class-options ...))
44 (defclass example ()
45 ((foo :accessor foo-of :initform 5)))
47 (defclass example-child (example)
48 ((bar :accessor bar-of :initform (list 1 2 3))))
49 </src>
51 Slot defintions have several option; the above example shows only the
52 =:accessor= and =:initform= options which are the most commonly
53 used. =:accessor= generates an accessor for the slot (e.g. if you have
54 an instance of =example= you can =(setf (foo-of some-example-instance) 'some-value)= to set and =(foo-of some-example-instance)= to access the
55 value). =:initform= provides a default initial value for the slot as a
56 symbolic expression to be evaluated when an instance is created.
58 *** Generics with methods that implement protocols
60 Generics are like normal functions in Lisp, but they only provide a
61 lambda list (parameter list). Methods are added to the generic which
62 specialize on the types of their parameters, and provide the actual
63 implementation. This allows for rich layered protocols to be developed
64 which can enable selective modification of individual facets with
65 minimal code.
67 <src lang="lisp">
68 (defgeneric generic (parameters ...)
69 (options) ...)
71 (defmethod generic-name ((parameter type) parameter ...)
72 "documentation string"
73 body)
75 (defgeneric foo (bar baz quux)
76 (:documentation "Process the baz with the quux capacitor to make the
77 foo widget fly into the sky at warp speed"))
79 (defmethod foo ((bar example) baz (quux capacitor))
80 (launch bar (process-with quux baz)))
81 </src>
83 A method lambda list differs from a normal lambda list only in that it
84 can specify the type of the parameter using the notation =(name type)=.
85 Note also that methods can specialize on the types of every
86 argument and not just the first one. This is quite powerful for
87 reasons outside of the scope of this presentation.
89 * Limitations of Default Language Behavior
91 The behavior of a language is a compromise between many competing
92 issues that attempts to be as generally useful as possible, and most
93 applications will have no issue with the default behavior. There are,
94 however, certain applications that could be cleanly written with minor
95 modifications to the behavior of the language, but would be impossible
96 or quite difficult to write otherwise.
98 ** Slot Storage
100 Most languages choose to preallocate storage for all of the slots of
101 an instance. Imagine a contact database that stored information about
102 people as slots of the class. There may be dozens of slots, but often
103 many of them will be left blank. If slot storage is preallocated much
104 memory will be wasted and the system may not be able to fit into the
105 memory of the hardware it must run on (perhaps for financial reasons,
106 huge datasets, etc.).
108 To save memory the author of the contact database must implement his
109 own system to store properties and allocate them lazily. This
110 represents a fair bit of effort, and would implement a system that
111 differed from the existing slot system of classes only in the method
112 of data storage.
114 It would be useful if there were a way to customize instance
115 allocation. The customizations would be minor and require overriding
116 only the initial allocation behavior and the behavior of the first
117 assignment to the slot. It is a a trivial problem in a language that
118 allows customization of these.
120 ** Design Patterns
122 Design Patterns are generalized versions of common patterns found in
123 programs. Many of them are merely methods to get around deficiencies
124 in the language, and can be quite messy to implement in some
125 languages.
127 * Metasoftware
129 Some types of programs could be written easily if the language were
130 customizable, but are nearly impossible to write when it is not.
132 ** Runtime Generated Classes
134 Say you wanted to write a video game where players could create their
135 own objects, attach behaviors to the objects, and perhaps mix
136 different objects together to create new ones. When you abstract the
137 problem this looks just like an object system! Wouldn't it be nice if
138 your program could create new objects and methods on the fly portably?
140 ** Object Inspection
142 Imagine if you were developing a complicated program with many
143 different objects that interacted in fairly complex ways. A tool to
144 inspect the structure of objects while debugging would be quite
145 useful, but in a traditional language would be impossible to implement
146 portably. This could force you to purchase a certain compiler
147 implementation which provided one, and even then would more than
148 likely not be customizable.
150 This problem can be generalized to apply to most debugging tools; it
151 would be useful to write such tools portably because users of the
152 *language* and not the *compiler* need to debug software. Sharing
153 infrastructure would result in better tools (more developers), and
154 save man-years of wasted effort that comes with having to rewrite
155 non-portable functionality from scratch multiple times.
157 * Metaobject Protocols
159 ** Limited/Generalized Internals of the Implementation
161 A Metaobject protocol is a generalized and limited subset of the
162 underlying implementation of the language. It is generalized and
163 limited in scope to allow for multiple implementation strategies;
164 this, along with careful design, is essential because programming
165 language research is ever advancing and new techniques for creating
166 more reliable and faster implementations are still being discovered.
168 This subset of the implementation is exported as a set of methods on
169 metaobjects. Thus the system is implemented in itself. The system can
170 then be customized using the extension and overriding features of the
171 system.
173 ** Classes of MOPs
175 *** Reflective
177 A reflective MOP provides a functional/procedural interface to
178 information about the system. It exposes class relationships, the
179 methods are attached to a generic, etc. A reflective MOP often
180 provides some functionality for creating new classes at runtime.
182 **** Example: Object Inspector
184 **** Example: Runtime Generated Classes and Methods
186 *** Intercessory
188 Intercessory MOPs allow the user to customize language behavior by
189 implementing methods which override certain aspects of the language
190 behavior. This class of MOPs are what make MOPs especially
191 powerful. No longer must a problem be restructured to fit the
192 implementation language; the underyling language can be reshaped to
193 fit the task at hand, and obfuscation of the intended structure of the
194 application can be avoided.
196 **** Example: Lazily Allocated Slots
198 **** Example: Observer Design Pattern
200 ** Violation of Encapsulation?
202 A MOP may seem like a violation of encapsulation by revealing some
203 implementation details, but in reality a well designed protocol does
204 not reveal anything which was not already exposed. Implementation
205 decisions affect users, and some of these details do leak through to
206 higher levels (e.g. the memory layout of slots). Implicit in the
207 protocol specification are these implementation details, and the MOP
208 merely makes this limited subset available for customization.
210 A MOP makes it possible to customize certain implementation decisions
211 that do not **radically** alter the behavior of the base language. The
212 conceptual vocabulary of the system retains its meaning, and so code
213 written in one dialect can interact with code written in another
214 without knowing that they speak different ones.
216 * MOP Design Principles
218 ** Layered Protocol
220 A layered protocol design is good for both meta and normal object
221 protocols, and enables a combinatorial explosion of customizations to
222 the protocol.
224 *** Top level **must** call lower level functions
226 The top level methods of a layered metaobject protocol are required to
227 call certain methods to perform some tasks. This both makes it easier
228 to customize the top level methods (which perform very broad tasks) by
229 providing some pieces of them for the programmer, and allows more
230 customization to be done by opening up the replacement of lower level
231 functions as a way to alter a small detail of the high level behavior.
233 *** Lower level methods are easier to customize
235 The lower level methods of a MOP are limited in scope and can be
236 implemented easily. Often the changes to language behavior that are
237 wanted are very small, and having methods that perform simple tasks
238 which are often customized reduces the effort required to extend the
239 system.
241 ** Functional Where Possible
243 Functional protocols are preferred for MOPs (and object protocol in
244 general). Functional protocols open up several optimizations for the
245 implementation without burdening the user of the protocol.
247 *** Memoization
249 Memoization is the process of saving the results of a function call
250 for future use. This avoids expensive recomputation of values which
251 have not changed (recall that a true function will always return the
252 same result when given the same arguments).
254 A functional MOP can be optimized easily by exploiting this property
255 to memoize the return values of calls to expensive operations. A MOP
256 must be be very fast to avoid making programs unusably slow, and
257 memoization is able to give an appreciable speedup in many cases
258 without an insignificant burden on memory usage.
260 **** Constant Shared Return Values
262 Disallowing the modification of values returned by protocol methods
263 allows the implementation to return large data structures by reference
264 to avoid expensive copying without having to do expensive data
265 integrity checks.
267 *** Cleaner Code
269 ** Procedural Only Where Neccesary
271 Some operations like method invocation are inheretly stateful and so
272 must use a procedural protocol. There is no benefit to be gained from
273 using a functional protocol, and indeed an attempt would result in
274 obtuse code that severely restricted the implementor. Do note that
275 only a very small part of method invocation is stateful (the actual
276 call), and most of it can be implemented functionally (e.g. computing
277 the discriminating function).
279 * Examples
281 ** Object Inspector
283 A primitive portable object inspector is presented here.
285 <src lang="lisp">
286 (defgeneric example-inspect (instance)
287 (:documentation "Simple object inspector using CLOS MOP"))
289 (defmethod example-inspect ((instance t))
290 (format t "Simple Object~% Value: ~S~%" instance))
292 (defmethod example-inspect ((instance standard-object))
293 (let ((class (class-of instance)))
294 (format t "Class: ~S, Superclasses: ~S~%"
295 (class-name class)
296 (mapcar #'class-name
297 (class-precedence-list class)))
298 (let ((slot-names (mapcar #'slot-definition-name
299 (class-slots class))))
300 (format t "Slots: ~%~{ ~S~%~}" slot-names)
301 (inspect-loop slot-names instance #'example-inspect))))
303 (defun inspect-loop (slots instance inspector)
304 (format t "Enter slot to inspect or :pop to go up one level: ")
305 (finish-output)
306 (let* ((slot (read))
307 (found-slot (member slot slots)))
308 (cond (found-slot
309 (funcall inspector (slot-value instance slot))
310 (funcall inspector instance))
311 ((eq slot :pop) t)
312 (t
313 (format t "~S is invalid. Valid slot names: ~S~%"
314 slot
315 slots)
316 (inspect-loop slots instance inspector)))))
317 </src>
319 ** Observer Design Pattern
321 A simple implementation of the observer pattern is under 100 lines,
322 and the user level code requires only a single line of code to make
323 any existing class observable.
325 In a language lacking a MOP, implementing the observer pattern
326 requires modifying every accessor of a class to explicitly invoke any
327 observers, and neccesitates the addition of a mixin class to the class
328 heirarchy. The fact that an object can be observed is a meta property
329 of the class, and forcing it to be implemented at the application
330 level dirties the inheritance heirarchy and adds uneccesary meta
331 details to the program.
333 <src lang="lisp">
334 ;;; This metaclass adds a slot to instances which use it, and so the
335 ;;; system is defined in its own package to avoid name conflicts
336 (defpackage :observer
337 (:use :cl #+sbcl :sb-mop)
338 (:export observable register-observer unregister-observer))
340 (in-package :observer)
342 ;;; Metaclass
343 (defclass observable (standard-class)
344 ()
345 (:documentation "Metaclass for observable objects"))
347 (defmethod compute-slots ((class observable))
348 "Add a slot for storing observers to observable instances"
349 (cons (make-instance 'standard-effective-slot-definition
350 :name 'observers
351 :initform '(make-hash-table)
352 :initfunction #'(lambda () (make-hash-table)))
353 (call-next-method)))
355 (defmethod validate-superclass ((class observable)
356 (super standard-class))
357 t)
359 (defun register-observer (instance slot-name key closure)
360 (register-observer-with-class (class-of instance)
361 instance
362 slot-name
363 key
364 closure))
366 (defun unregister-observer (instance slot-name key)
367 (unregister-observer-with-class (class-of instance)
368 instance
369 slot-name
370 key))
372 (defun get-observers (instance slot-name)
373 (get-observers-with-class (class-of instance)
374 instance
375 slot-name))
377 (defun add-observer-table (instance slot-name)
378 (setf (gethash slot-name (slot-value instance
379 'observers))
380 (make-hash-table)))
382 (defgeneric register-observer-with-class (class instance slot-name key closure))
383 (defgeneric unregister-observer-with-class (class
384 instance
385 slot-name
386 key))
388 (defmethod register-observer-with-class ((class observable)
389 instance
390 slot-name
391 key
392 closure)
393 (setf (gethash key
394 (or (gethash slot-name
395 (slot-value instance 'observers))
396 ;; Lazily add observer hash tables
397 (add-observer-table instance slot-name)))
398 closure))
400 (defmethod unregister-observer-with-class ((class observable)
401 instance
402 slot-name
403 key)
404 (remhash key (gethash slot-name
405 (slot-value instance 'observers))))
407 (defmethod get-observers-with-class ((class observable)
408 instance
409 slot-name)
410 (gethash slot-name (slot-value instance 'observers)))
412 (defmethod (setf slot-value-using-class) :before (new-value
413 (class observable)
414 instance
415 slot)
416 (let ((slot-name (slot-definition-name slot)))
417 (if (not (eq 'observers slot-name))
418 (let ((observers
419 (get-observers instance (slot-definition-name slot))))
420 (if observers
421 (maphash #'(lambda (key observer)
422 (funcall observer
423 (if (slot-boundp instance slot-name)
424 (slot-value instance slot-name)
425 nil)
426 new-value))
427 observers))))))
428 </src>
430 ** Real World
431 *** [[http://common-lisp.net/project/ucw/][UCW]] and [[http://common-lisp.net/project/bese/arnesi.html][Arnesi]]
433 Arnesi uses the CLOS MOP to implement methods which are transparantly
434 rewritten into continuation passing style. This allows their execution
435 to be suspended at certain points and resumed later. UCW builds on top
436 of this to support a web framework where the statelessness of http is
437 hidden from the user; displaying a page suspends the execution of the
438 current continuation, and resumes it upon submission. The user level
439 code is completely unaware of this.
441 *** [[http://clsql.b9.com][CLSQL]]
443 CLSQL uses the reflective part of the CLOS MOP to map Common Lisp data
444 types into SQL types, and the intercessory protocol for slot
445 allocation to map slots onto database columns or sql expressions (for
446 implementing relational slots).
448 *** [[http://common-lisp.net/project/elephant/][Elephant]]
450 Elephant uses the CLOS MOP to transparantly store any class to disk
451 and handle paging between the disk store and memory efficiently and
452 with no user intervention.
454 * Sources & Further Reading
456 ** Sources
458 *** The Art of the Metaobject Protocol
459 **** Kiczales, Gregor et al. MIT Press 1991
461 Highly recommended reading even if you plan to never implement a MOP
462 or use the CLOS one. The design principles it recommends are quite
463 useful.
465 *** [[http://www.lisp.org/mop/contents.html][CLOS MOP Specification]]
467 Specification of the MOP for CLOS defined in *The Art of the Metaobject Protocol*.
469 *** [[http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/399658.html][Metaobject Protocols: Why We Want Them and What Else They Can Do]]
471 A short overview of MOP design principles followed by three example
472 metaobject protocols for Scheme.
474 *** [[http://www2.parc.com/csl/groups/sda/projects/oi/towards-talk/transcript.html][Why Are Black Boxes so Hard to Reuse?]]
476 Transcription of a talk on the benefits of open implementations of
477 software. It first discusses several problems that black box software
478 implementations pose, and then presents existing solutions. It shows
479 how the existing solutions are insufficient, and then provides
480 metaobject protocols as a solution to most of the problems.
482 ** Further Reading
484 *** [[http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/chiba95metaobject.html][A Metaobject Protocol for C++]]
486 Example of a purely compile time MOP. It implements the functionality
487 of a code walker and something similar to the Lisp macro system.
489 *** [[http://www.parc.com/csl/groups/sda/publications/papers/Kiczales-TUT95/for-web.pdf][Open Implementations and Metaobject Protocols]]
491 It is a bit long, but it seems to follow a similar structure to AMOP
492 in introducing MOPs and their usefulness. The pages are slides with
493 notes, and so the 331 pages might not actually take that long to read.